DJ / Broadcaster / Events
Mahikeng, South Africa / Pretoria, South Africa
No stranger to the microphone, Nafy Dread has pioneered the hosting of the afternoon drive on Unisa Radio. Listen to Tshwane FM every Saturday and his beats will lead you into an easy Sunday. In the world of Pretorian Reggae and dancehall, Nafy Dread reigns king. The Kapital Reggae and Dancehall show is the cornerstone for all Reggae music lovers dubbers, for those that have come in search of the original block An award-winning DJ, having won multiple reggae competitions, Nafy Dread is a forerunner in his field. An original South African, born and bred in Mafikeng. He has grown further than his speakers and is respected across Pretoria. This can be showcased in the events that have invited Nafy Dread to become a resident host.
These include prominent events such as Iintsizwa Ziphelele’s Sidewalk Sessions, Black Labone and the Nafy Dread Block Party.
FB: @nafy.dread
T: @nafydread