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Rebaone Makodi (ONE)

Art Director and visual artist

Mahikeng, South Africa

A very spontaneous and outer planetary character, Art Director, and visual artist explores a combination of abstract and lucid influences to express a transformation of what could possibly be .. calls it the black circkus.. very colorful and imaginative work collaged together fulfilling pieces for the mind breaking the box to live outside of it,
Born in 1979, in Former Bophuthatswana Mahikeng in north-west South Africa, Studied Art after..after he left home to find his vision and Purpose., on his journey, he met with one Mzansi Artist and a few that would influence his unique style and character in 2001 he enrolled at  Tshwane University of Technology (Pretoria, South Africa) For 1 year he Studied and observed multiple styles that.., would later move him on to a more traditional art school in Cape Town called the Ruth Drowse school of Art where he completed his Diploma in Visual Arts,-specializing in Graphic design..long story short .. moved to Johannesburg South where he is currently Residing. throughout the years he evolved into an Art Director and worked for various Advertising houses .. as he became more expressive and bringing still visuals into motion on a more complex platform, Film
.. as he has now come full circle .. these are snippets of his begging they are crafted to live on apparel. there will be more another Mzansi Artist

FB: @Rebaonemakodi

IG: @rebaone_spi.2.0

T: @rebaone


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