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Seretse Moletsane 

Fine Artist / Photographer / Multidisciplinary Artist

Johannesburg, South Africa

Flâneur noun / a person who saunters around observing society.

Flâneur-a person who walks the city in order to experience it. Original- ly the term is coined by Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) and refers to somebody who observes the city or theirs surroundings, and experiences an actual physical stroll but also is a way of philosophical thinking and a way of seeing/feeling things.

10 years ago i decided to make a conscious decision not to make ex- cuses for not producing art because i had lost my camera. Never miss a moment when i have a quality camera on my phone. This ongoing body of work is a collection memoirs of my travels and walks.

I am fascinated by wall and floor surfaces. I find them riddled with an- thropological and archaeological clues of hu//man’s existence. The work is an expression of my way of seeing. In my eyes urban decay is aesthet- ically pleasing and it is also a reflection of moral decay in the society we are living in.

I find beauty and hope in these surfaces that may seem grotesque to the naked eye, that have traces/elements of joy, pain, and neglect, chip- ping away at my soul. The painting, peeling, and chipping of textures, revealing many layers of truths and half truths.

The photographs are captured moments in time. In the mixed medium works the process of recreating the wall textures using plaster,grout,- thread, paper and glue feels like a healing pro- cess. And the scratching, chipping, plastering express my frustration and admiration at the human condition

IG: @slick_iv

FB: @feilpopsliq


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